With new technology and business models emerging rapidly, the concept of innovation is rapidly expanding. 63% of corporations employ chief innovation officers in the US alone, and over 90 percent use new technology to assist innovation. But not all businesses are ready to foster innovation.

Change demands resilience and adaptability, and unfortunately, many individuals are scared of or oppose change. So how can any company welcome innovation? Several easy-to-implement solutions can help your company’s creativity and enthusiasm flow.

Reward Employees Even for Failure

Leaders of creative firms understand that, in addition to providing their staff with the opportunity to experiment, they also need to recognize and promote innovative behaviors. Nothing kills creativity quicker than the fear of failure, which is why, just as you should enjoy the successes of any exploration, you should equally appreciate the failures of the same experimentation.

Understand and Employ the 15% Time Rule

15% time was coined by William McKnight while working at 3M. Employees were permitted to spend up to 15% of their paid work time daydreaming, sketching, or playing with ideas that were not necessarily related to their jobs at the firm under the terms of this policy.

In fact, as McKnight recognized, and as many other business executives have subsequently learned, this type of daydreaming is the source of creation and the source of a person’s enthusiasm for their profession.

Don’t Be Afraid to Shake Things Up

No other method exists for encouraging staff to think beyond the box than by tasking them with new and intriguing tasks that are outside of the scope of their normal duties. While some employees may initially be fearful of failing, they will ultimately be motivated by the opportunity to try something new in a supportive “no idea is a terrible idea” work environment where failure is not a negative thing.

Always Think Outside the Box

Most of the most successful innovative firms understand that they are more than simply the products and services that they provide. Instead of describing the company just by the products or services it provides, define the organization’s assets and strategic talents. As an extra benefit, staff will be motivated to believe that they are more than simply their professional functions due to this initiative.